Formatting your document for fast, easy eBook publishing.
Fast, professional eBook formatting, priced with the indie author in mind. I can format your manuscript for Kindle, SmashWords, Nook and or Kobo. I will provide you a .doc, a .prc, a .mobi or an .epub along with the correctly sized .jpg for the cover.Turn around time depends upon the number I am doing that day. Yes, that day. Most are back to you in less than 24 hours.
All work guaranteed!
I accept:
- Novels up to 150,000 words
- Short stories
- Others with consultation
- I accept MS Word files in either .doc or .docx (Other formats possible with consultation)
- I can produce a Kindle ready .prc file and a Kobo ready .epub or a Nook (B&N) ready .mobi for you to submit.
- I will produce a SmashWords ready .doc file for you to submit.
Hints - if you want the formatting faster
- No tabs (I have to remove them all - they mess up some of the e-formatted books).
- please use only a single space after a period (full stop).
- please no extra spaces nor extra returns .
- Keep font changes to a minimum and stick with the "normal" fonts - remember - it will be ground up when it is submitted and we can't use the cool fonts like "Brush Script" etc. So, I find the safest fonts for the web include:
Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS,
Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, and Verdana - sorry, no Wingdings.
My preference is Arial 11 - remember - eReaders can make it bigger or smaller at the owners request.
Also - Kindle displays it all as a courier type of font no matter what you do.
- Don't insert forced page breaks - they are much easier for me to put in for Kindle than they are to take out for SmashWords.
- First book is $25.00 an hour. I will give a free estimate on the number of hours when you submit the file to me.
- Multiple books up to four books, books two through four are $20.00 an hour.
- Most books for pure formatting (no editing, no spell checking etc.) take about an hour or less.
- Prices are in US dollars.
- If needed, I am able to produce very simple covers for you. Very simple, but I can certainly reccomend others who are much beter and are still affordable.
- I will, or course, check your cover to ensure it is formatted for SmashWords and Kindle (.jpg 500 pixels wide and 800 pixels tall, 72 dpi)
I also edit if that is what you need. Same hourly rate.
What to send me :
- Your edited book in MSWord format. (.doc or .docx).
- Your cover (.jpg 500 pixels wide and 800 pixels tall, 72 dpi).
- Your front stuff (see below).
- Your end stuff (see below) .
- PayPal works best - talk to me about other formats.
- The money comes to me after you are happy. Not before.
This is just a little check list to make sure you have sent me everything I need - as soon as I get it all I can start.
The text of your book (.doc or .docx)
Your cover picture (.jpg - ideally 72 dpi and 500 by 800 pixels - if not I will reformat it for you)
Your "Front Stuff" - the stuff that comes before the book.
- Copyright Page (if you have anything out of the ordinary) - Example
- Dedication: - Example
Your "End Stuff" - the stuff that comes after the story ends.
- About the Author - Example
- Other works by the author - Example
- Where to connect with the author - Example
- Maybe a chapter from the next book.
Contact me
Rik's Personal Pages
Here are a few of the books that I have formatted: