Formatting your document for fast, easy eBook publishing.

Fast, professional eBook formatting, priced with the indie author in mind. I can format your manuscript for Kindle, SmashWords, Nook and or Kobo. I will provide you a .doc, a .prc, a .mobi or an .epub along with the correctly sized .jpg for the cover.Turn around time depends upon the number I am doing that day. Yes, that day. Most are back to you in less than 24 hours.

All work guaranteed!

I accept:


Hints - if you want the formatting faster




I also edit if that is what you need. Same hourly rate.

What to send me :



This is just a little check list to make sure you have sent me everything I need - as soon as I get it all I can start.

The text of your book (.doc or .docx)

Your cover picture (.jpg - ideally 72 dpi and 500 by 800 pixels - if not I will reformat it for you)

Your "Front Stuff" - the stuff that comes before the book.

Your "End Stuff" - the stuff that comes after the story ends.

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Here are a few of the books that I have formatted:

Island of Refuge cover book cover book cover Katheryn's Secret book cover
Margaret's Peace book cover book cover book cover book cover
book cover book cover book cover book cover book cover